Dear reader,
Thank you for visiting Ursa Sapiens! Ursa Sapiens is a blog developed by Brown University's chapter of The Triple Helix, an international undergraduate organization dedicated to the intersection of science and society. We strive to become the foremost online hub for the discussion of scientific research at Brown and socially relevant scientific issues. We aim to inform, entertain, and make science accessible to the Brown community and beyond. Please comment, unless you are a spambot. We intend to provoke thoughtful discussion, and we encourage individuals of all perspectives and backgrounds to join the conversation. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to remove comments that do not constructively contribute to the discussion. Please do not try to sell us things! If you would like to contribute, just ask! We welcome guest contributors, and we always keep our eyes open for outstanding ideas and potentially outstanding ideas. Feel free to send us your pitch. We will accept applications for staff writers and editors at the beginning of next semester! We want feedback. What branches of science captivate you? What do you want to learn? Please tell us how we are doing and how we can improve. Email us at brown.epub[at] Thanks to Chen Ye '17 and Kaley Brauer '17 for the awesome banner! EDIT: Thanks to Jana Butman (RISD/Brown) '18 for also working on the banner! Scientias potestas est. Enjoy! Matthew Lee '15 Conor Wuertz '16 and the entire Ursa team
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